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Payment interview Wikimedia Germany

A simple online payment system

"Micropayment supports Wikimedia during transactions for once-only and regular credit card donations.
These donations are largely derived via the online donation campaign in Wikipedia."

Wikimedia Germany
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko

Till Mletzko
Lead Fundraising

company presentation Wikimedia Germany

Wikimedia is an association whose aim is to promote free access to knowledge. The Wikipedia website is one of the ten most popular in the world. Your content and that of all other Wikimedia projects are created, improved and distributed by volunteers.

Wikimedia Deutschland
Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23/24 | 10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Germany
What are your needs for online payment systems?
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko
"An online payment system must first and foremost be secure. This includes a secure connection and intelligent regulations for the various challenges involved in entering data in online forms. In addition to security, simplicity and speed are decisive requirements in the online world. Online -Transaction has to be quick, easy and convenient. As soon as the donor perceives the process of the transaction as a hurdle, the payment system is not good. In short: A good online payment system is based on the needs of the user. "
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko
What does your organization offer and what makes your organization and its services unique?
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko
"Wikipedia is more than a website. It has become part of our everyday life. On the one hand, we promote the people behind Wikipedia, on the other hand, the basic idea beyond the encyclopedia. We are committed to ensuring that knowledge can be freely created, changed and shared with others. 15 years ago, when Wikipedia was founded, this was something unique. At Wikimedia, we want to anchor the principles of free knowledge in society. "
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko
How does Micropayment support you in your daily business?
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko
"Micropayment supports Wikimedia in the transaction of one-time and regular credit card donations. Most of these donations come from the online donation campaign on Wikipedia. As part of the donation campaign, up to a thousand credit card transactions are completed every day, which is why there is an efficient technical infrastructure In addition to the technical handling of donations and the constant adaptation of the technical infrastructure to our needs, micropayment also supports us in answering individual inquiries, e.g. why a transaction could not be carried out."
Wikimedia Germany | Till Mletzko

Wikimedia Germany uses the following Micropayment payment methods

  • Micropayment - CreditCard


    • Average amount over 80 EUR
    • transactions from 150 countries
    • more than 1.000 established credit card terminals
    learn more
15,000 merchants already use Micropayment payment systems!

15,000 merchants already use Micropayment payment systems!

At Micropayment, a minimum sales amount is not mandatory. Sign up now for free.

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 Would you like to give us an interview?

Would you like to give us an interview?

Please contact our sales team and arrange a date and time for your personal interview.

interview request
Hello, how can we help you?
individual advice

Your competent contact persons

We can support you in the following points with a strategic partnership:

  • market-oriented realization of new products & projects
  • building strategic cooperation communities
  • planning, coordination and optimization of payment transactions
  • analysis and forecast of the current target market
  • figuration of your products in international markets

We would like to help you.

Best possible advice is our mission. We support you in the realization and marketing of your productse. Please call:

(00800) 3000 22 55

free of charge from German landline

Integration made easy.

Do you have questions about our payment methods or about the use of our systems? Please contact us by e-mail. We will reply as soon as possible.