Attention! There are currently mails in circulation, supposedly from Google, which state our mail domain as the sender. Please do not open the links in these mails under any circumstances! Please use the possibility to report these mails as phishing in your Gmail account. Thank you for your cooperation!

Attention! There are currently mails in circulation, supposedly from Google, which state our mail domain as the sender. Please do not open the links in these mails under any circumstances! Please use the possibility to report these mails as phishing in your Gmail account. Thank you for your cooperation!

Attention - phishing emails from Google with our sender in circulation - find out more

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Please note: This is an English courtesy translation of our original Consumer information prepared in German language. Please consider that only the original version in German language has legal value.

Consumer Information

Micropayment AG Brünigstrasse 164 CH 6060 Sarnen

  1. What we do
  2. Micropayment AG (hereinafter: Micropayment) is a technical service provider, who offers various online payment systems for quick and cashless payments. Micropayment collects and uses your payment data on behalf of their customers (online traders, charitable organizations, etc.). You give these data in order to pay fee-based Internet offers. Other payment service provider such as banks receive these data from us for debt collection. The technical service of Micropayment includes the provision of payment systems as well as the recording and reporting of all relevant data in order to detect, transact and evaluate cashless payments.
  3. Contractual relationship
  4. When you are paying with our payment systems, you sign a contract with our partner (our client). Vertragsinhalt ist die Lieferung der gewünschten Inhalte oder Waren unseres Kunden an Sie und deren Bezahlung. Matter of this agreement is the delivery of the desired content or goods and the payment thereof.
  5. Using our payment systems; costs
  6. The use of our payment systems connected for you with no additional cost. The entire payment process is done online. You don´t need to download any software or information. Only data required for billing will be collected and used by us.
  7. How our products work
    1. CreditCard
      To make a payment by credit card, all data must be entered in the payment window. After that, the credit card information is going to be encrypted by machine, checked and verified. Once the information is released, the payment is made and the purchase is completed. The amount will be deducted from your specified credit card account.
    2. Online Bank Transfer
      This payment system is an online banking transfer, where you can pay directly from your online bank account. For completing the purchase all necessary data including a valid TAN must be entered in the payment window.
    3. Direct Debit
      For the direct debit payment system all required data must be entered in full in the payment window. The required data are collected and stored. By submitting the form, the payment is completed.
    4. Prepayment
      Paying in advance is initiated by entering the email address of the user. After that a tranfer form will be sent to the specified email address.
    5. Call2Pay
      The Call2Pay system is a phone-based method of payment, in which a service number is called. The telephone connection must be maintained until the purchase was made. Under completion of the purchase the call is automatically disconnected. If required, a payment confirmation email will be sent. For this case, the email address to which this receipt should be sent must be specified. The amount will be provided by your telecommunications company bill.
    6. HandyPay
      The HandyPay system is a method of payment based on mobile phone. The number of a mobile must be entered in the Payment window, before a unique and non-manipulable TAN is sent to it via SMS. After entering the received TAN in the Payment window, the purchase has been completed. The amount will be provided by your telecommunications company bill.
    For more free information about our payment systems, please visit
  8. E. Liability
  9. Micropayment is not liable for any offers, content or goods of the partner/customer as well as our company is not liable for the functionality and availability at any time of their payment systems.
  10. F. complaints
  11. Complaints about offers, acquired content or goods should be addressed to the respective partner/customer of Micropayment from whom you have acquired content or goods. The necessary contact information is available on the website of the client.

    Please contact our hotline for Questions about transactions: (00800) 3000 22 11
  12. G. Misuse
  13. Micropayment is not liable for the misuse of their payment systems. In case of misuse, all recorded data are transmitted to the relevant law enforcement authorities and the user is blocked from further payment transactions.
  14. Data protection
  15. Information on data protection can be found here:
Date of issue: 01.10.2023 - Micropayment AG
Hello, how can we help you?
individual advice

Your competent contact persons

We can support you in the following points with a strategic partnership:

  • market-oriented realization of new products & projects
  • building strategic cooperation communities
  • planning, coordination and optimization of payment transactions
  • analysis and forecast of the current target market
  • figuration of your products in international markets

We would like to help you.

Best possible advice is our mission. We support you in the realization and marketing of your productse. Please call:

(00800) 3000 22 55

free of charge from German landline

Integration made easy.

Do you have questions about our payment methods or about the use of our systems? Please contact us by e-mail. We will reply as soon as possible.