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Attention! There are currently mails in circulation, supposedly from Google, which state our mail domain as the sender. Please do not open the links in these mails under any circumstances! Please use the possibility to report these mails as phishing in your Gmail account. Thank you for your cooperation!

Attention - phishing emails from Google with our sender in circulation - find out more

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Corporate responsibility

Nice to know

Micropayment operates sustainably, ethically and with an eye to the future: we have been successfully operating in the payment industry for 15 years. Nevertheless, we have remained a company that places people and socially responsible action at the centre of its daily work.

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Dual training
Certified by the IHK (Industrie und Handelskammer) Berlin

Dual training

Skilled workers are the capital of a company. Micropayment is committed to this principle. To ensure that we continue to have highly qualified employees in the future, we train our own junior staff. This way we guarantee professional solutions for our customers. At the same time, we benefit from innovative impulses from the trainees, which are incorporated into our portfolio as part of the practice-oriented training.

If you would like to become part of a great team and are looking for a job or training with a future, then apply to us:

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Social commitment


As a successful company we are aware of our social and societal responsibility. For this reason, we are involved with various organisations in the education and sports sector. In this way we want to make a contribution to making our world a better place.

Customer responsibility


The safety of our customers is the focus of our work. Against the background of these increasing challenges, we cooperate with professional partners at the highest level. We are also continuously facing up to certifications and defined safety standards in order to question ourselves anew every day.


media:net berlinbrandenburg

Micropayment is a member of the media:net berlinbrandenburg group, one of the largest regional networks of companies in the media and digital industry. Through our membership we offer our customers extensive added value through networking with many innovative partners.

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We would like to help you.

Best possible advice is our mission. We support you in the realization and marketing of your productse. Please call:

(00800) 3000 22 55

free of charge from German landline

Integration made easy.

Do you have questions about our payment methods or about the use of our systems? Please contact us by e-mail. We will reply as soon as possible.